Can I assign a service provided label to team members?
Why YES! When creating a team and adding members, you can select the member and assign a service via the service drop down control. If the service type is not available you can add in your own custom types. Note: you can also assign the primary member of a team which will serve as the primary contact.
Does EventsSee work for me?

Why YES! If you are an event planner, band manager, musician, DJ or anyone that wants to keep track or where they have events, how much they made and a ton of other information, EventsSee is for you.

How do I copy an EventsSee event to one or more other dates?

If you are on the home screen of the event or the events screen, swipe right on the event you wish to copy and you’ll be brought to the events copy page. From the copy page you can add an event to a single date or several dates.

How do I delete an event?

From the home page or event page, slide the event to the left and select “Delete”. Typically deleted events end up in the trash unless you change the settings to permanently delete the event.

In-app Purchases?

Yes! Currently you can buy our PDF reports in-app purchases. This feature allows you to create earnings and location reports. These reports can be emailed to one or more recipients of your choice.

iOS? Only Android?

For now we are only on Android. With that said, our development environment is made for iOS as well. Although we cannot set a firm date at the moment, iOS is something on the radar.

Should I review EventsSee?

Yes, please! We are looking to hear your thoughts and what we can do to improve your experience with EventsSee. Thank you!

What are teams?

EventsSee allows users to make teams. A team is essentially a collection of contacts. For example, let’s say you are a band manager and you manage 2 different bands. You could have 2 teams created that are of type BAND. Each of those teams could have different contacts associated with them. As the band manager books the band they simply select the team(BAND) when creating the event.

What about wedding planners that have to manage florists and caterers and don’t forget the baker for the all important cake. A wedding planner can create an event and assign any combination of teams to the event. Each team would be the florist or baker etc. When a new event comes up the wedding planner simply selects teams they have in EventsSee and can assign it to the new event. BOOM…done!


What is EventsSee?

EventsSee is THE event manager. Stop jotting things down on scrap pieces of paper, notebooks, spreadsheets and calendars. This tool does it all from the one device you are never without. From Event Planners to DJ’s to Gigging Musicians and everyone in between, this is the coolest instrument you’ll buy all year!

EventsSee has been designed for the person who is meticulous and desires more details and for the person who is disorganized and wants to be organized! Easy EventsSee made for everyone!
At-a-glance detailed reports lets you know how you’re doing. Tracking your earnings and tips has never been easier!

EventsSee lets you see all event details in one app!

EventsSee Features:

• Multiple calendar views
• Event status
• Payment tracking
• Team management
• Export events to your Google calendar
• Vendor and contact details
• Copy and paste recurring events
• Detailed financial reports and statistics
• Mileage tracking
• And so much more!

Where are EventsSee events that have been put in the trash?

Go to the Events page. Select the dropdown to display events in the trash.

Where is a feature I need?

We have loads of features on our roadmap. With that said, if there is something you have to have and our app does not currently have it, please reach out on our contact page and let us know! We take all suggestions seriously!

Where is the year view?

From the home screen select the month and year label above the calendar. This will bring up the year at a glance view. It shows 3 years (last, current and next) years events in a high level view.